
Is Erectile Dysfunction an Underlying Problem of Other Issues?


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Having erectile dysfunction from time to time is not always a sign of bigger underlying issues. Sometimes it is just a temporary situation that can be addressed using natural methods. If erectile dysfunction has been an underlying problem for you for a long time, though, it can cause more anxiety, affect your self-confidence and even lead to more serious relationship difficulties. Here are some things you can do to help treat and prevent ED.

Lifestyle Choices. One of the biggest contributing factors to erectile dysfunction has been smoking cigarettes. Smoking not only decreases the sperm count and quality, but it also alters your hormone levels and increases your chances of suffering from other health conditions. If you smoke, stop. If you have already quit, try keeping a nicotine patch or gum on hand in case your body suddenly starts to experience an incident of ED due to lifestyle choices.

Serious Health Conditions. Certain physical causes can also lead to erectile dysfunction. One such cause is high cholesterol levels. If you have a history of heart disease, diabetes or blood vessels having problems in them, you may increase your risk of experiencing this condition.

Exercise and Lifestyle Improvements. If you want to prevent suffering from this condition, one of the best ways is to quit smoking. Although quitting smoking may improve your health and your erectile dysfunction, you may still have the condition if you are a smoker. Quitting smoking can improve your overall health as well as your sexual performance.

Treatments and Medications. If you have any underlying medical condition, you may need to use certain medications before trying alternative treatments and medications. Your doctor can advise you on the best treatments for your particular situation. Keep in mind that all medications have side effects. Ask your doctor or health care provider about potential ED treatments and medications before trying any new ones.

Surgery. Surgery is often used as the last resort for men with physical problems that can lead to erectile dysfunction. However, the results of this treatment are often limited and there is always the risk of side effects. You should never opt for surgery without consulting with your doctor first, such as a men’s clinic for ED located in Cincinnati called Proactive Men’s Medical Center for example.

Medications and Treatments. ED is not solely a problem of lifestyle or heredity. There are many different types of medications and treatments available. The most popular drugs for ED are Cialis, Zoloft, and Viagra. These drugs deal with the physical causes of erectile dysfunction, but do not address the neurological causes of this condition, which are believed to be responsible for the majority of cases.

Surgery and Different Types of Medications. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical issues or psychological causes. Most cases are caused by neurological factors, so the most common treatment is usually surgery. Surgery can help to improve erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow to the penis, increasing the firmness of the erection, correcting physical issues related to impotence, or treating the underlying neurological conditions causing erectile dysfunction. While these are some of the most common treatments for erectile dysfunction, there are many other treatments that may be able to help your situation.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is simply the inability to have and maintain an erection strong enough for intercourse. Having erectile dysfunction from time to time is not always a signal of larger underlying issues. Still, if erectile dysfunction has been an issue for a long time, it can affect your sex life, put stress on your relationships and contribute to other relationship problems. The good news is that there are many treatments for ED that work.

ED is often looked upon as an emotional problem; however, there are many physical reasons that can lead to ED as well. A person with diabetes, for instance, is more prone to cardiovascular disease. A person with high blood pressure may also experience difficulty with having an erection. Psychological factors also play a big role in whether an individual develops erectile dysfunction or not. Depression, anxiety, stress and traumatic events may all contribute to having erectile dysfunction.

When it comes to the connection between stress and ED, the answer is that stress can play a big part in both having and sustaining an erection. Anxiety, in particular, can play a big role in negatively affecting your sex life. Stress can interfere with the body’s natural ability to achieve and maintain an erection. This is why so many men in today’s world suffer from erectile dysfunction-it is a symptom of their stress levels.

As previously mentioned, stress can be a contributing factor to both the development of and the maintenance of erectile dysfunction. Aside from stress-related effects, high blood pressure, heart disease and other physical conditions can also be contributing factors. The good news is that this is where the link between ED and stress breaks down. High blood pressure and other physical conditions such as heart disease are typically risk factors for erectile dysfunction-and ED is a manifestation of these risks.

The link between ED and physical health conditions is broken down further by the fact that medication can cause erectile dysfunction. Medications such as Viagra and Cialis have been known to be the culprit in certain cases. These medications can have some serious side effects such as the fact that they can cause the heart to overwork and function improperly. The excess strain on the heart can then lead to a heart attack. The negative side effects of these medications, however, do not stop there. While ED is often caused by a physical problem, the side effects of Viagra and Cialis can also lead to a serious mental health condition known as anxiety or panic attacks.

It is important to remember that you are not alone when it comes to having problems getting an erection. There are many men who suffer from this problem all over the world. The sad thing is that this is no reason to become embarrassed or ashamed. The fact is that the majority of men will eventually have problems with erections and erectile dysfunction at some point in their life; there is nothing wrong with looking at these risk factors and determining how you can treat them if you experience any of them.

Colt June
the authorColt June