
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Diastema


A diastema is a space between teeth. Diastemas are harmless and can arise in both children and adults. The gap normally heals as a child’s permanent teeth emerge. According to a NE Philadelphia dentist, a diastema is a space between teeth that is more than 0.5 millimeters. It can grow in between any teeth. In this essay, we will discuss the most often-asked questions regarding diastema.

Is diastema a disease?

Diastema is a medical word that refers to a gap between teeth; it is not a sickness or deformity in and of itself. However, some persons develop a diastema as a result of illness, particularly periodontitis, which may cause some confusion. Certain habits can be a cause of diastema too, so psychological illnesses can arguably be another cause of diastema.

Can diastema fix itself?

A child’s diastema can repair itself, which is fairly frequent as teeth mature. A diastema affects a large number of youngsters; research differs, but some sources claim that diastema rates in children can reach 50%. However, as adults, the location of your teeth is unlikely to shift significantly. Adults who practice good dental hygiene may be able to avoid diastemas caused by gum disease.

Are gaps in teeth appealing?

Many people find tooth gaps to be beautiful, natural, and generally pleasing. Perfectly straight teeth or teeth that have been artificially whitened can sometimes appear unattractive. As a consequence, teeth with inherent flaws can be unique.

Is a diastema normal?

Yes. Diastema is a frequent occurrence, and most healthcare practitioners consider it a variant of normal dental growth.

How does diastema influence my dental health?

Diastema should seldom create any oral health problems. If the gap between your teeth is the result of periodontitis, you may require gum disease therapy.

Can I prevent diastemas?

There is no way to avoid diastema when it is caused by heredity. It is merely a trait that your parents or grandparents handed on to you. However, you may lower your risk of infection-related diastema by maintaining proper dental hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings and examinations. If you experience redness, swelling, bleeding, or other symptoms of gum disease, make an appointment with your dentist straight once.

Does diastema grow with age?

In a healthy mouth, diastema should not worsen with age. If you see that the space between your teeth is widening, consult your dentist as it might be caused by gum disease.

If you are disturbed by the gap between your teeth, make an appointment with your dentist. They may go over your treatment choices with you in detail.

Colt June
the authorColt June